
SITE was founded in 1998 by Ralf Brög, Sven Lütgen and Petra Rinck. SITE is an artist led project that extends artists practice to the aspects of presentation, distribution and publication. 

SITE is an experimental crossmedia platform concerned with producing, exhibiting and distributing art and art related material. SITE is an ideal conceptual arena for art. It is idealistic, romantic, utopian, concrete and real at once. It may adopt any form, format or structure to impact a general public or a radical exclusive audience. It includes potentially any topics, styles or strategies aslong as the overall manouvre relates to critical art discourse in particular. SITE is an artist enterprise, which pushes selforganisation, cooperation and individual interference.

SITE Magazine

SITEmagazine first published in 1999, in Düsseldorf Germany. It’s ambition is to butt in the world of media, publication, interpretation and contextualization. Its collaborative,  interdisciplinary nature which goes beyond individual artists studio practice is from great value to the publishers. SITEmagazine is not a review magazine. It is rather an exhibition in printed format. SITEmagazine compiles contributions which should be approached as artworks. Each issue adds to the ongoing series of publications. No issue is ever out of date. Begining with SITEmagazine 11 we collaborate with guest artists/editors to curate an individual  issue. SITE aims to explore new distribution possablties relevent to each of SITE’s output. For the distribution of the magazines SITE is making use of existing international paths of printed matter distribution to get spreaded out worldwide. But also it is an ongoing topic to be creative about new strategies distributing SITEmaterial.

Contact & Impressum
SITE magazine

Birkenstrasse 47
40233 Düsseldorf
Tel. +49 (0) 211-6989733
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

UK Office
University of Sunderland 
School of Art, Design, Media + Culture
Priestman Building
Green Terrace
Sunderland SR1 3PZ
Ralf Brög
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Responsible according to § 6 MDStV
Ralf Brög 

Utz Senner
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Petra Rinck (1998-2010)

Sven Lütgen (1998-2001)

SITE Exhibitions

As our original plan was to initiate a magazine as a gallery space without an address and with exhibitions of unlimited durations, the very first real exhibition took place in 1998 in our editorial office, at Düsseldorf, Birkenstraße 47, simply because we liked the idea having friends and colleagues at the place commenting about the not yet published SITE 1 issue. Becoming clear that we liked the idea programming exhibitions over two different formats we opened a distinct gallery space in the same building.

The galleries basic curatorial concept was to invite each month an artist do a solo exhibition in the space. The programme was explicitely not related to the magazine issues and SITE took no curatorial role beyond inviting the artists. Between 1998 and 2001 there were 40 solo exhibitions at Birkenstraße 47. Beside of the soloshows we organized thematic/conceptual exhibitions, social events like dinner parties and have been invited to curate offSITE projects. At the end of 2001 the SITE exhibition space closed due to the necessity to reconsider its concept.


SITE Galerie

In October 2006 we launched SITEGALERIE as a format parallel to SITEmagazine which allows us to work with not yet established artists, or artists whos practice has a particular reference to SITE and its motivations, in a much more intense and complex relationship. This includes also the representation of their work in the art market. After having runned a so called ‘non-for profit’ artist run exhibition space for many years, we decided that the format of a commercial gallery offers a more diverse and dynamic potential for our activity.

 SITEGALERIE closed in the summer of 2008 as SITE looks forward to new and experiemntal ways of engaging in parallel projects to SITE Magazine, including new aproaches to distribution and curatorial projects with partners.


Site Magazine in Bookstores

Aachen - NAK | Amsterdam - Art Book | Barcelona - Fundacio Antoni Tapies FAT, Centre D´Art Santa Monica CAS u.a. | Basel - Stampa | Berlin - Barbara Wien, Kisch & Co, Pro qm | Bilbao - Libreria Camara | Brüssel - Tropismes Libraires | Düsseldorf - Museum Kunstpalast, Buchhandlung Müller, Buchhandlung Walther König | Edinburgh - Fruitmarket Gallery | Köln - Buchhandlung Walther König | Hamburg - Van der Höh, Sautter und Laackmann Linz Fernleihe | London - Tate Modern bookshop, Walther König Books Serpentine Gallery | Los Angeles - Art + Architecture, Skylight Books, 33 1/3 Books | Manchester - Corner House Marseille Librairie Regards | München - Kunstverein, Sussmann`s Presse, Goltz Buchhandlung KG | New York - Printed Matter, Museum of Modern Art | Palma de Mallorca - Libreria Fundacio La Caixa Sterling Changing Room | Stuttgart - Buch Julius | Sydney - Artspace, Bookshop MCA | Thun - Kunstmuseum Thun | Tübingen - Galerie Druck& Buch | Valencia - Libreria Rallowsky | Wien - Buchhandlung Judith Ortner, Offspace | Zürich - Kunstgriff
... und viele andere ausgesuchte Galerien und Institutionen.

General Shipping Information
Single Issue - 2,50 €
3 Back Issues - 7,00 €
Artists' Edition - circa 20,00 €
(upon consultation)
Single Issue - 5,00 €
3 Back Issues - 15,00 €
Artists' Edition - ca. 25,00 €
(upon consultation)
Other Countries/Oversea
Single Issue - 10,00 €
3 Back Issues - 15,00 €
Artists' Edition - ca. 50,00 €
(upon consultation)
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